Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Breathe Easy This Winter With Nedz!

We often experience changes in our own respiratory health during the transition from summer to winter, and our horses are no different. The switch in environment from the fresh outdoors to more confined stable time, brings with it some challenges for our equine counterparts, including dust, dampness and bacteria. To give your horse a healthier home during the winter, turn to Nedz!
Most horses are stabled overnight, meaning their bedding is a key factor in their environment, and, therefore, their wellbeing. One of the most common causes of respiratory problems is inadequate ventilation for stabled horses, leading to an increased risk of exposure to mould, spores and dust.
Conditions such as Recurrent Airway Disease can become a long-standing problem for horses, leading to a decline in health and overall performance. However, one of the best solutions to support good respiratory health this winter is to provide a fresh supply of clean, hygienic, low-dust bedding such as Nedz.
Both Nedz Original and Nedz Pro go through a rigorous dust extraction process, creating a non-toxic environment for your horse whilst he is stabled through autumn and winter. Nedz chopped straw has high levels of absorbency. It soaks up urine, which in turn reduces the levels of ammonia in the environment. The result is a cleaner, fresher and more hygienic stable.
All Nedz bedding features the organic Natural Nedz formula - a unique blend of Manuka, Cade Oil, Silver and Aloe Vera. Natural Nedz has anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic properties and helps improve hygiene by reducing the amount of bacteria and viruses harboured in bedding.
Nedz Original and Nedz Pro are priced between £6.50 - £8.50 per 20kg bale. For more information about Nedz visit the website or tel: 01254 677 762.

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